Inox Vale

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“Do Things That Make You Feel Like You Want to Feel”: Aligning Actions with Aspirations

It’s a simple yet powerful concept: to embody the qualities you admire, you must engage in behaviors that reflect those qualities. Whether you aspire to be stronger, a more attentive parent, or a supportive spouse, the activities you choose to do can significantly influence how you perceive yourself and how others perceive you. This blog explores how to align your actions with your desired feelings, enhancing your overall satisfaction and effectiveness in various roles of your life.

Be What You Aspire to Be

1. If You Want to Be Strong, Lift Weights

Strength isn’t just a physical attribute; it’s a state of mind. If you desire to feel and be strong, incorporate strength training into your routine. Lifting weights not only builds muscle but also boosts your confidence and resilience. As you push through the resistance of the weights, you’re also training your mental toughness, preparing yourself to handle life’s metaphorical heavy lifting.

2. If You Want to Be a Great Dad, Spend Quality Time with Your Kids

Great parenting is often marked by presence rather than presents. Dedicate time to do activities that your children enjoy and use these moments to teach life lessons and values. Whether it’s playing a board game, going for a bike ride, or reading stories together, these interactions are invaluable. They help you bond with your children and contribute to their emotional and psychological development.

3. If You Want to Be a Great Husband, Invest in Quality Time with Your Spouse

A strong marriage is built on the foundation of continuous effort and mutual respect. Invest in uninterrupted, quality time with your spouse. Whether it’s a date night, a weekend getaway, or simply spending an evening together without the distraction of phones or television, these moments strengthen your relationship. Listening and being present during these times shows your commitment and love, enhancing your role as a partner.

Avoid Actions That Contradict Your Goals

1. Eating Unhealthily When Aiming for Good Health

Just as positive actions can build you up, negative ones can pull you down. If one of your goals is to maintain good health, eating fast food regularly can undermine this objective. Not only does it affect your physical health, but it also impacts your mental well-being. You might feel sluggish, guilty, and dissatisfied, which are contrary to the feelings of vitality and pride that come with nourishing your body well.

2. Neglecting Self-care

If you want to feel relaxed and in control, make sure to incorporate self-care into your daily routine. Neglecting self-care by overworking or ignoring your needs can lead to burnout, stress, and a feeling of being overwhelmed, which are the opposite of the tranquility and effectiveness you likely aim to achieve.

Final Thoughts: Embodying Your Desires Through Actions

The principle of “do things that make you feel like you want to feel” encourages a proactive approach to personal development. It’s about more than just wishing or hoping; it’s about actively crafting a lifestyle that mirrors your deepest values and aspirations. By consciously choosing activities that align with how you want to feel, you create a life that is not only fulfilling but also true to who you want to be.

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